RESOURCES: Equity in Education Spring PD Series with Kimble Talley and Aracely Montero

Equity in Education

This spring's "Shasta College Equity in Education" professional development series has concluded.  This page provides us with the incredible resources that we gathered during the series.

As we all know, this pandemic has caused significant challenges for our students, ourselves, and our communities. As we also know, some are struggling much more than others. This pandemic has exposed long standing, systemic inequities in our country, community, and here at Shasta College. As certified professionals, faculty, and administrators, we are collectively committed to supporting our students and one another

This work, while rewarding, is also incredibly challenging.  How do we prepare ourselves to provide opportunities and experiences to underserved communities? What does equity mean? What does it look like in the classroom? In student services? Over the next three months, participants in this three-part professional develop series will come together to connect, contribute, collaborate, and co-create what this might look like at Shasta College. Through a facilitated dialogue, we'll reflect on what systemic inequalities look like, why they persist, and what we can do about them in the service of our students.  

Each dialogue will use the Arc of Dialogue (developed by Tammy Bormann and David Campt) paired with techniques that will allow participants to share their lived experience. This 3-part series will be Fridays from 9-:11:30 all in a virtual format using Zoom.  


Session 1:

In this dialogue we’ll begin to create our virtual community and establish a brave and safe space. In this session we’ll explore topics around education and equity, systemic racism, and implicit bias. At the end of this session, we’ll share an optional 7-day Equity Challenge.  

Resources from this session: 

Implicit Bias Tests Links to an external site. 

We all have implicit bias video Links to an external site. 

Session videos:

Mother reacts to doll tests Links to an external site. 

Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes Links to an external site. 

Systemic Racism Links to an external site. 

Look for and add Kimble Talley on Facebook for her 7 day Equity Challenge 

Do one action each day for seven days to further your understanding of power, privilege, supremacy, oppression, and equity. Adapted from Links to an external site.

Below are examples used during the 7-day Equity Challenge

Read – choose at least one

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack and other essays Links to an external site., Groundbreaking 1989 essay by Peggy McIntosh who lists the ways she’s beginning to recognize the way white privilege operates in her life.

White House Threatens Discipline for Employees Engaging in ‘Divisive’ Training Links to an external site., Calls for Political Watchdogs Eric Katz unveils the Trump administrations Fall 2020 policy to police and obstruct diversity, equity, and inclusion trainings

The Weaponization of Whiteness in Schools Links to an external site. Coshandra Dillard explores the role of whiteness in schools and offers examples of how educators can counter impulses to enforce it

Listen – choose at least one

Louder Than A Riot Links to an external site. Hosted by NPR Music's Rodney Carmichael and Sidney Madden this podcast reveals the interconnected rise of hip-hop and mass incarceration and explores power from all angles — the power the music industry wields over artists, the power of institutional forces that marginalize communities of color, the power of the prison industrial complex and the power dynamics deep-rooted in the rap game (episodes 1 hour)

Introducing: Nice White Parents Links to an external site. From Serial and The New York Times, reporter Chana Joffe-Walt looks at the 60-year relationship between white parents and the public school down the block. Includes reading list and discussion guide, calls in/out white progressives (episodes1 hour)

Teaching To Thrive Links to an external site. Podcast hosts Bettina Love & Chelsey Culley-Love share ideas that strengthen the everyday lives of Black and Brown students within our schools and communities. Each episode is aimed at empowering our knowledge for collective liberation (episodes 20 - 40 mins)


Session 2:

During this session, we’ll take a deep dive into Peggy’s McIntosh White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, review and analyze data and statistics from the National Park Service and Shasta as it relates to diversity. 

Resources from this session: 

Watch Cracking the Codes: Tim Wise, Fear & Envy Links to an external site. (02:21)

Other Resources

EmbraceRace Links to an external site.

Racial Justice Strategy Session | Dr. Amanda Kemp LLC ( Links to an external site.

Session 3 : 

During this session we’ll examine both barriers and opportunities to reduce our bias -- Concluding with possible next steps as we all continue our journey around diversity, equity, and inclusion.  

Resources from this session: 

CBS News Analysis: Students May Be Miseducation About Black History Links to an external site., Ibram X. Kendi reviews current history curriculum production and use across the U.S. (5 minutes)

Racism is Real Links to an external site., A split-screen video depicting the differential in the white and black lived experience (3 minutes)

Confronting ‘intergroup anxiety’: Can you try to hard to be fair? Links to an external site. Explores why we may get tongue tied and blunder when we encounter people from groups unfamiliar to us (5 minutes)

Value of Shared Experiences Links to an external site.


Facilitator Contact Information

Aracely Montero

Kimble Talley